I knew something was terribly wrong when I opened the front door and a gust of wind felt like an angry water hose. I was wet. Then not even halfway down the driveway it started to hail. My umbrella? Completely useless since the rain/pellets of ice were blowing and spraying from all the sides! Yeah, my morning was the best!
I arrived at school miserable and not ready for all the tests that awaited me. I just sighed a sigh and cried a little inside, which I do often.
The day only got better when I received a big blue 'pimp cup' from Justin Kah during 4th period:

(Me): "Oh! Thank you! Is this my Valentine's gift?"
Justin: "Say that again and I'll give it to Sonia."
(Me): "...Geez, fine thanks for the... 'friend' gift, Justin-friend"
Seriously, I think he's fighting his true feelings for me. I told him many times, "Hey Justin, don't fight it. No words, just feelings" as I placed my finger to his lips. Frankly the feeling is mutual because he tips my desk, draws scandalous genitals on my hand, and hurts me daily. Now, that's affection.
*After lunch I encountered ANOTHER problem.
"I know right, my problems with all my men..."
Fifth period came along and a certain birdy told me a certain Carly-Homewrecker made home-made pink frosted cookies to MY Matt. I flipped out. I was so furious that I took a piece of paper out (nearly gave me a paper cut since I was so angry and strong) and began to write a hateful, hateful, very hateful love letter filled with hateful words. I told him exactly what I thought about her stupid effing cookie (No offense to Carly, I like her as a person. Just not a person who gives cookies to Matthew). Then I marched towards him and chucked the effing letter (with a chocolate kiss to add weight) at him! God...and because he's Matt Clark, he found it adorable and smiled his smile that nearly melted my heart. Damnit you sexy guy, you!
The day only got better during Physics when our teacher threw balloons at us like it was confetti. We were all, "What the heck just happened?"
(It's really okay, because we're use to being clueless in that class)
Anyway the plan was that we were going to shock each other (again) and apparently use the balloons to... well we're not exactly sure, but a few of us started using the air nozzle and filling the balloons up to its limit. My first balloon tragically died because a certain sadistic cheerleader (Sone, Betch! I love you ) decided it was funny to pop it. Then Matchew Clurk decided it was romantic to burst my yellow one with a tack (he's lucky that he's good-looking because I was 5 seconds from kicking him in the rocks). Benjamin started running around with a fake sword he found somewhere in the classroom demanding me to duel him like a samurai (WTF). Conor Peterson on the other hand found it amusing to throw tennis balls around at random, so he can prove his strength and agility. Speenster (Spencer Rhodes) was just... I don't know rubbing his strawberry blonde locks on a balloon?
Sonia and I were supposed to be studying for the U.S government test next period, but we just couldn't help but join in all the chaos. Our teacher? Well in all the excitement he was filling up a balloon with gas and lighting the soaked acetone string on fire. So basically he was busy endangering his life. Again. You've got to love that rebel of a teacher.
Of course if I were to tell you when my day was at its highest, then I'd say 6th period. Hands down. Not only was it funny that I failed the test, but I received something extra special. There I was sitting in my seat oblivious and drawing something stupid on some scrap of paper, when Mr. Wright appeared out of nowhere.
He said, "Special delivery” in his most amused and cupid-y voice ever. All of a sudden there was a pink rose and an envelope on my desk. Confused, excited, and slightly flustered I said, "I'm pretty sure this is illegal Mr. Wright".
(Haha get it? You know since he's a teacher and a teacher at McNair was recently fired due to being accused of sleeping with a student. I thought it was pretty clever and it correlated with the present event)
Uh...anyway Mr. Wright continued to say, "It's from Matt Clark". Of course I was smart enough to know otherwise. I mean come on, as handsome and studly as Matt is; he's a little slow on the affection department. I was curious and very shocked. In the back of my mind I wondered, "Wow who is seriously crazy enough to give me a Valentine?!"
The room started urging me to open the envelope. I looked at the envelope and one look at the handwriting; I knew exactly who it was.
Inside was the sweetest and cutest card ever. The message was short, but clearly sincere. I was so overwhelmed that it seemed unreal. I was as shocked as everyone in the room. I didn't realize that there were 20 people screaming at me asking me who gave me this romantic surprise. I simply said,"Josh Mellor” and the room literally started clapping.
Josh Mellor: (Noun) An extremely smart person, brain-child. Cute and sweet; comes with glasses. Also my ex-husband, my former partner in life and group tests. Loves long walks on the beach and Margarita nights. He yearns for intellectual conversations (which he did not satisfy when we were together). Thus our little tussle and failed marriage.
*That was a little background. LMAO
It was hilarious. I heard a few guys saying, "Way to go Josh!" The girls on the hand... let's just say I found myself not holding the card anymore. They were as shocked as I was. It was certainly an amazing way to end the School's Official Valentine's Day. From across the room I said my thank you to him, but then THE happy couple-- Gerry and Alexa thought it was only appropriate that I give him a hug. So I got up, walked to the other side of the class and hugged him (awkwardly as Esteban recalled it). I remembered that he was extremely red (so cute! Haha) and I can say the same for myself. I felt a little self-conscious myself (Haha)! It was like elementary school over again plus 30 bystanders witnessing the occasion and a teacher posing as cupid.
Haha, so strange it felt a little like Gossip Girl at Constance Billard when people were texting Matt the news. LMAO! Oh High school.
(not exact quotes but close?)
Sonia Chinikamwala texted him saying: "Josh just gave Carmelle a rose!!!"
In response Matt said, "Josh?! What??? Well I'm not as romantic as Josh...I guess I'll still have 'Carlina'."
Then of course dearest Conor Peterson who loves to make hilarious and slightly explicit jokes says, "So what are YOU going to give him tomorrow?"
Oh man... I'm no Mother Teresa to pretend that I did not understand his HYSTERICAL joke.
Wow, really Conor?...Jerk. (Haha!)
Then to stir things up even more, Gerry Siliverdis found it amusing to discuss my future plans with my newfound lover. He was interrogating me and his sweet love-- Alexa Kauffroath asked, "Where does this leave you and him? Are you going to call him? Is there a future?" (I've got to say she's really thorough. No wonder Alexa is the only one that tamed Gerry LOL). Exhausted by the excitement and teasing I just said, "Yeah, we're probably getting married. Omg let's double date! Oh nooo, omg a triple date with Mike and Kercia! You know what why don't we add Conor and his girlfriend, too?!”
Hahaha. Gaaaad!
It was as if I did some sort of Transformers group call, because Corinne, Kercia, Sonia, Maria-Paz, and Maddie were literally on my desk. All of them had a set of questions for me. It was funny to see them get fired-up. Haha oh well they're cute and I love them! Especially Corinne who's obviously eager to see what Harrison planned for tomorrow! Even Mike Molvik found it extremely amusing to see me a little frazzled. Though I knew he was ultra keen on listening to our little girl chit-chat. Who are we to stop this blue-eyed suave man? Not me.
LOL After the girl-huddle-meeting, which Mike was a part of- Kercia Brakel, Maddie Hiddle, Mike Toon, and Corinne Dickey attacked the white board:
Carmelle + Josh = Love
Oh they even added a drawing of a little tree with the both of us kissing. Yeah kissing on a tree. Very original guys Haha.
Jokes and taunting aside, Josh's gesture was nothing short of amazing and perfect, because he did it to be an extremely sweet guy. For that, I've got to say anyone who is lucky enough to be his significant other is one lucky girl. So even though in the beginning of the semester he replaced me with three guys (Randeep, Justin, and Ryan) and ended our 6th period imaginary marriage... I guess this was the compensation for my entire heart break.
To end this all I've got to say is that today was a pretty damn good Friday The Thirteenth on my side of the world. Haha!
So to everyone who shared this romantically epic day of my life:
Have a Happy Valentine's Day!
(yes, I'm shameless enough to take pictures... LOL if I'm going to document this occasion, I'm going all out)

Mike and Kercia, Harrison and Corinne, Conor and his lady love; Bre Herrick, Matt Hertzfeldt and Lorena, Mike Molvik and Sam, and Aaron and Maddie
*disclaimer by happiness I mean everything that is legal and in good-natured fun. Remember ABSTINENCE is key!
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