So apparently they were playing 'Would You Rather' on the other side of the classroom. I was doing a little chitting and chatting with Linsey, Corinne, and Kercia when I heard:
"Would you rather get AIDs or get raped?"
I whipped my head around to see Conor, Gerry, Allison, Chloe, and Sonia laughing their butts off. Then they continued to discuss the matter at hand.
Conor: "AIDs will kill you!"
Gerry: "Yeah, I'd go with getting raped. For sure
"Conor: "Yeah it's not as bad as dying"
So that was logical until they took it to another level...
Gerry: "I mean getting raped by a guy? It's not that bad"
Everyone: "Whaaaaaat?!"
Conor: "Whoa there Gerry, what are you tryna say?! Oh no better watch out for this one!"
LOL it was hilarious. Of course Gerry didn't mean what he said. He meant that he'd rather get raped then die of AIDs and there is nothing wrong with that....Hmmm. Then they involved a name into the discussion. A name that I must must must must must keep anonymous because I don't want to get expelled for INTERNET BULLYING. So if YOU know (6th period/Wright's Class) and you're feeling an urge to say his name out loud; say it to yourselves, laugh for a bit, and just continue reading pal.
Okay so they involved a name. Let's call him...well let's "UMM!" Okay so Conor or Gerry, I forgot who said this, but basically one of them said if it were "UMM" to rape them, they'd rather get AIDS and basically embrace death than to let "UMM" ravish their bodies...
Welllllllllllllllllll it's quite harsh, but y'know IT IS high school, and we're all just a bunch of bastards. Eventually we'll grow out of it. Hopefully. *cough Gerry cough* ( just kidding Gerry!) (not)
There were more explicit talk hovering around that period but I'd rather not elaborate. I will say one thing though. Corinne would rather make love in front of millions of football fans in a crowded stadium than in the presence of her parents. Very wise choice Corinne, unnerving but wise nonetheless. That's all I have to say. (pssst Kercia chose 'stadium' too, but don't tell Mike)
Anyway that was the end of my day, but if we rewind to lunch time... things weren't as cheery... but particularly creepier.
I had lunch with Sonia and Maria-Paz today (since Jessica is sick and Lyndsi is in Idaho for Track).I wanted taco bell riiiiiiiight and so we drive there, but sonia didn't go to Drive-Through... So I was forced to go myself. These girls, I swear. Sonia was literally pushing me out of the car telling me to beat Matt Machado to the front of the line... wtf? What?! (I did it anyway...lmao!) As I left the car all I hear is Maria-Paz shouting:
"Ask for a Bandaid! Ask for a Bandaid Carmelle! No, ask for two! Two Bandaids!!"
Alriiiiiiiiiiiight just hold on while I go inside and ask for a damn bandaid with my effing spicy chicken burrito.
So I scurried inside so I can 'beat Matt Machado'... I lined up and not 3 seconds later I meet a new friend. He was a wrinkly old man wearing a clean pressed green plaid shirt holding 3 dollar bills. He said:"Oh go on ahead of me young lady".
I tried to decline his offer but he kept telling me so I moved forward. As I moved forward the old man suddenly exclaimed:
"You smell goooood, you smell goood! I'm so glad you'll stand in front of me, because you smell so very nice! Smells good"
In my head I thought; well that's a sweet thing to say. As I flattered myself with the compliment. I noticed he was still saying it, but now he's increasing in volume.
Then he started to inch closer like he's about to vacuume me with his nose! The men in uniforms in front of me were clearly laughing. I must say I was getting a little embarassed, I just wanted to yank that old man and tell him: "Hey Mister please settle down?! Will you!?"
By the time Matt Machado and his entourage came in, my new friend decided to show me all the paper bills in his wallet...
"Look at this man right here, Mr. Washington!" "This over here is Lincoln"
Then when I least expected it he busted out this fake bill with an attractive lady woman on it. (OMG LMAO!)
The old man said: "This, this is a special one, look here"
*So awkward... I just remembered feeling very tense and scared.
As I talked to this old man; I thought to myself,
"Oh God, please don't let my future kids let me roam in Taco Bells senile and sniffing random people".
Anyway we kept talking until I reached the cashier. What happened to Matt Machado? He just stood their with his pals. He didn't even try to help me! He just watched the event unfold while he snickered and laughed with his buddies...Eventually me and Mr. Smell Good had to separate and before we did he said I was an adorable girl. AWWWW! That old man, he's too kind and soooooo truthful LOL!
At the cashier I asked for a bandaid and the guy looked at me like I was insane... and told me they didn't have any. After I got my food, I literally ran back to Sone's car and I told her about the old man...
I shouldn't be surprised but she wanted to go back inside to see this man and so we did.That's practically the highlight of my day. Y'know the usual (haha!)
Seriously though, I don't understand why I'm so prone to meeting certain perculiar strangers...
I guess it takes one to attract one.
Before I end this lesson of the day:
Go through 'drive-thru' and do yourself a favor.
P.S: To everyone in 5th period Physics! DO NOT EVER SING ME THAT SONG ABOUT HELEN KELLER... or else your going to loose your earlobes and your jugulars will be sore as hell when I'm done with you.
Till next time!

Till next time!
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