Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Salute to Duran

(Late entry May 27, 2009)

Mother f........ather son and daughter! Only 2 days away from graduation and I can't be more screwed. My group still has to finish our Rube Goldberg Project which stands as our final in physics instead of a written one AND I have a precalc. final tomorrow...which I need to get an A on or else I won't get credit for the semester. Yeah so the possibility of getting a A on my final tomorrow...? Hmm very slim. BUT if by some miraculous act of God tomorrow I'll pass, then I'll seriously devote my life and be mother Teresa if I have to! Anything!

Complaints aside, today was the last day that I'll have periods 1 and 2 (Mr. Goudie and Mr. Duran). I'll admit that I was quite depressed. I'll sure miss my Mr. 'Gouds' and Mr. 'D'. College will be so different. (Sigh) Still I'm SO effing ready to graduate! It's not even funny. If I could I'd graduate right now. I'd graduate sooo fast that it's as if I had only one second to take all my clothes off because Henry Cavill was in front of me. Yeah that fast. Impressive I know. So anyway I had my last class with Mr. Goudie and Mr. Duran today. Naturally I had to document everything. So here we go:

Spanish class with Mr. Duran- instead of having finals he assigned us a project where we had to make a puppet show. Yeah. It was no lonely goat herder production like Sound of Music but thanks to Josh Gums' stript we survived. Throughout the presentations we were suppose to evaluate our peers and we actually had to fill out a feedback sheet. Let's just say that everyone can thank me for those 100 percents I handed out like candy.

Wait for it... okay let the incriminating videos begin

Videos 1: Josh Gums reading my entry in his yearbook. *Notice his eyes are glistening a bit? Yeah my words moved him to tears. I'm that good

Video 2: "Boat" (continuation of Josh's reaction to my sweet words)

Video 3: Sonia and eharmony *I love how Mr. Duran was right behind us. (Aww we love him and his everlasting patience for us) Who's the best students in the world?!

Video 4: Message to your future-selves

(part 1) James Moore declares his love for me
(part 2) Coosy the Silk Worm -Lyndsi Higgins hates Coosy
(part 3) Bet: will Sonia Chinikamwala maintain her lovely figure for the next 20 years?
(part 4) Josh Gums and his narcissistic self
(part 5) Wedding Montage
(part 6) I heed, I plead a warning to my love
(part 7) "I'm from the west naaaw"
(part 8) Josh Gums, his buldge, and James likes it. "it's not like I can deny it..."- Josh

After the presentations we decided to go for a stroll around school. Our very last...
:) I'm going to miss having spanish class with you guys!!!

"Thank you recycling bin"
Take that Belinda!

Top 5 on Mr. Duran's List (to assasinate)
We're so cute...but who's dumb idea was this?


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thursday Morning

Good morning! It's been almost a month since I've updated. I finally graduated (May 30th) about 2 weeks ago! It feeeeeeeeeeeels so very very good. *I still have to upload the pictures on this blogger for rememberance :) I've been catching up on sleep and doing absolutely nothing. I can't complain but I do miss my friends! I definitely owe a date or two with my favorite friend jessica judd AND everyone else that I miss so dearly. Anyway I have a lot of things to blog about! As a matter of fact I have quite a few incomplete blogs. What can I say; it's summer time. I'm twice as lazy these days! Laying around is just a logical thing to do hah! Surely I'll finish them...soon.

For now I'm going to go take a nap haha


P.S: I like the way my hair was today hahaha I know; lame... but good hair days come once in a blue moon. I had to document it!

Monday, June 1, 2009

I Graduated!

All good things come to an end as they say but was high school really what its cut out to be... "The best days of our lives"? Well let's put it this way- thinking about how I won't be stepping into the grounds of Lodi High does make me a little sad inside...but realizing that I finally survived four years of particularly anal teachers, painfully long (snooze-time) math classes, an overly paranoid narcotics officer that calls me 'Lindsey', close death encounters with golf-carts, and numerous surprise in class essays... is sort of a picker-upper haha. Still I'll never forget the high school experience. Right now I'm suppose to reminisce on how much I've blossomed from an awkward freshman into an all-knowing (cool) senior; who's ready for the world. Unfortunately I'm as much as of a nutcase as I was when I first entered high school. It's a little bit depressing but I'm glad that I've found friends that just accepted the way I am (though I think they just learned how to tolerate my off-baseness lol). For that I'll always cherish every memory of each and every single person I've met along the way. All the teachers that I did get along with and that guided me: Thank you (Ms. Jackie Heinrich, Mr. Wood, Ms. Muller, Mr. Goudie, and Mr. Duran). However different each of us are throughout the year, high school bonded us as a class in so many ways. For one; we are so very ready to get the hell out of high school! Hello to bigger, better things :) Regardless of where we'll be 10 years from now I only hope that everyone will find the happiness they are all looking for. More power and success to class of 2009!

Here are some pictures from my graduation:
CSF Seal Bearers
L to R: Dylan Burch, Andrew Vertegaal, and Leah Towns
Tessa Stewart and Katie Weeks
Michael Molvik
Remy du Celliee Muller

My brother

(more pictures coming soon)