All good things come to an end as they say but was high school really what its cut out to be... "The best days of our lives"? Well let's put it this way- thinking about how I won't be stepping into the grounds of Lodi High does make me a little sad inside...but realizing that I finally survived four years of particularly anal teachers, painfully long (snooze-time) math classes, an overly paranoid narcotics officer that calls me 'Lindsey', close death encounters with golf-carts, and numerous surprise in class essays... is sort of a picker-upper haha. Still I'll never forget the high school experience. Right now I'm suppose to reminisce on how much I've blossomed from an awkward freshman into an all-knowing (cool) senior; who's ready for the world. Unfortunately I'm as much as of a nutcase as I was when I first entered high school. It's a little bit depressing but I'm glad that I've found friends that just accepted the way I am (though I think they just learned how to tolerate my off-baseness lol). For that I'll always cherish every memory of each and every single person I've met along the way. All the teachers that I did get along with and that guided me: Thank you (Ms. Jackie Heinrich, Mr. Wood, Ms. Muller, Mr. Goudie, and Mr. Duran). However different each of us are throughout the year, high school bonded us as a class in so many ways. For one; we are so very ready to get the hell out of high school! Hello to bigger, better things :) Regardless of where we'll be 10 years from now I only hope that everyone will find the happiness they are all looking for. More power and success to class of 2009!
Here are some pictures from my graduation:

L to R: Dylan Burch, Andrew Vertegaal, and Leah Towns 

Tessa Stewart and Katie Weeks

Michael Molvik

Remy du Celliee Muller

My brother
(more pictures coming soon)
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