Friday, May 15, 2009
A Quickie
So let's do a little quickie shall we.
- I have really bad seniorosis. Well actually I've had that since the second semester of freshman year, but this last semester of high school is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. So very bad. I'm the epitome of laziness.
- I have really bad cramps and it's pissing me of at this very moment.
- All my favorite shows (i.e: FRINGE, Smallville, Dollhouse...etc) all had their finales these past two weeks. So basically the television and I are no longer going to spend time together.
- Senior trip to Marine World is this coming Friday 05/22
- I have to remember to buy big sun hats for the stupid graduation practices!
- I want to fly back to HK this summer!
- Rube Goldberg project in Physics is due in a week and a half. DAMNIT.
- I have to work on all my missing assignments this weekend... yay
That's basically it for now, I can't wait to get the faaaaaaack out of here!
Oh yeah!
HAPPY 18th Birthday to Conor Peterson!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
When You Start Sounding Like an Ingrate
Sunday, May 10, 2009
My Dangerous Love Affair With Micheal Molvik

(Michael trying to look like me awwwwww so sweet)
I've never been one to keep my feelings to myself and if you personally know me then you know exactly what I'm talking about. Two years ago in Biology class I was assigned to a seat next to this boy. He had blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. I looked at him thinking "hm he's kinda cute". Throughout the year we never said much to each other. Actually I never got the chance to because this guy was always asleep. I arrive in class everyday and he's already yawning or leaning back on his chair or his face hidden in his arms. The only thing I knew about this kid was that he sleeps... and that pretty much sums it up. I've heard him speak a couple of times but it was never more than a sentence. So in time I just figured that's how it's going to be and so I went through my sophomore year next to a fairly handsome zombie.
Anyway that year; on the last day of school I couldn't control myself much longer. I asked my good friend Lyndsi Higgins to give him a note with my number. That summer passed and still nothing. Junior year came along and other guys caught my attention. So naturally he slipped to the back of my mind. It wasn't until this year (my senior year) when I came into my econ. class the first day of school that I saw the same familiar face from long time ago. I won't deny that I wasn't excited. After all I did have that silly crush on him years ago and now that he looked more like a man...I was enticed.
In other words I was hot for Michael Molvik.
We began to talk and I was amazed on how fluent we were with each other's humor. I can say that he's one of the very few people that truly makes me laugh. I also appreciate his willingness to tell me things that other people don't particularly share with me. When he confides in me, I feel like he actually acknowledges that I'm not just this naive girl filled with silly nonsense. Yes he's a little strange sometimes and our conversations are often unseemly (haha) if not explicit. Even so it's all good-natured fun. To say the least I'm so glad that I have finally met him...awake.
So to cut this sentimental dedication short;

Now for a sample of how appropriate we are;

Location: Wright's U.S govt. class
It always seems like our conversations go tooooooooooooooooo far. Yeah...definitely too far. LMAO
Saturday, May 9, 2009
A Wholesome Prom 2009
Anyway since I'm known to make my lists of highlights of any given festivity-- to avoid disappointing people (Josh Gums) here I go:
#1.) Pictorial with the parents before leaving for Prom;
It was funny to see the parents trying to capture every moment. I mean it felt nice to be so loved, but seriously did they expect us to know where to look at when they're like 20x of them flashing and calling our names. Basically they were in a frenzy and we were confused.
#2.) "Back up a little more honey"- mothers;
Yeah okay so we can all fall into the pool behind us LOL
i.e: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#3.) "Girl-boy-Girl-boy- Alternation"
Who knew that this would take longer than expected...
#4.) James Moore;
In Lyndsi Higgin's words "What great actors and actresses!"
Yes I know that we don't usually get along but for the record he was a good date and he deserves a spot on Prom Highlights!
i.e: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#5.) "Orgy in the back"
Okay so no one really listened to me and I wasn't really serious... hahaha
BUT we did have a good time in our limo. Everyone was fully clothed, straight, and sober. My mother who repeatedly said to me "No drugs, no alcohol, and do NOT have sex. Are you listening to me??" was very very happy to see me the following morning when I told her I was a good kid allllll night LOL---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#6.) Remy du Celliee singing & dancing NON-STOP;
"Sugar" - Remy
#7.) Josh Gums convo:
It's very dark inside the limo and being the clumsy person I am I fell slantedly down the seats while I was trying to place my bouquet in the bouquet holder. Naturally the friction between my dress and the seats cause my dress to ride up... and not gracefully might I add. So in shock and embarassment I said:

Gums: "What?"
"My dress went up hahaha"
Gums: "You did not just say your dress rode up your waist"
Ohhhhhh that Josh is a gentleman and he's always looking out for us gals. What will I do without you :)




Me: " was a legit one
Gums: "Just do something"