I snoozed until 3 this afternoon and I woke up feeling groggy. Let me apologize in advance for my vulgar honesty because... I just want to say my {cyclic} cramps are killing me! I'm dying. Literally. I couldn't fall asleep last night so I ended up watching my k-drama on the couch and crying by my lonesome. Then the dvd player decided to be an ass and it started to skip. So I crawled back in bed only to get tortured by the monster lurking in my abdomen. I kept squirming around to find a comfy position. But all is lost, I resorted to being a pill popper. I usually don't like taking aspirin but because I was dying I had to.
I didn't know how thirsty I was until I drank two whole glasses of water unoticed. I stood in the kitchen for awhile listening to the buzz of the fridge. That is until something great and familiar started to call to me. Yes sadly the lure of the interweb got to me again. Oh facebook I just can't resist you. I really can't lol. To my surprise I wasn't alone. There were quite a few people that were in the same situation as me. Take Michael Molvik for example. He's not dying from cramps like I was but he's battling his urge to play WoW. He was also contemplating whether to tell his gf about this new passion of his (I wonder if that was meant to be kept as a secret? Haaha). I love that guy and as usual our conversations are as strangely pleasurable and unsettling at the same time. I was also able to talk to an old friend from Hong Kong. The last time I talked to Jean Paul was 8 years ago (: so that was nice. And of course Janice and I are always doing the same things in the wee hours of the morning.
I was properly entertained until facebook informed me that I exeeded my limit in sending messages on fb chat. What the...?! So there I was... amazed at how cruel the world is. Anyway I chose to give sleeping another shot. I thought to myself "hey I should probably start fixing my horrible sleeping habits before college starts." And so I did.
So back to the story. Like I've mentioned I woke up late today. I brushed my teeth, pulled my hair up, and continued organizing and packing my stuff. I've been trying to sort all my things out for almost a week now. I just want to finish doing this so that I'll have time to spare towards the end of the month. The progress is good :) I've estimated that I'll probably be done by thursday of this week if I keep this going an hour or two everyday. Around 6 in the evening Abi and I watched reruns of Punk'd. All of a sudden the doorbell rings.
I love how the doorbell always makes me want to pee my pants. Abi and I ran to random, separate rooms and locked the doors. My mom on the other hand is as clueless as ever and walks over to the door as she wonders where the hell we were. Suckaaaa I waited a bit and still I didn't hear the knob turning or people greeting each other? Instead I'm deafened by my mom knocking at my door telling me to open the front door because she's not dressed for the visitors. I was like, "What?! No! I'm not dressed either!" But of course she's the Madame and I'm the obedient child... damn.
It turns out that our neighbor and his kids along with their cousins wanted to come play in the backyard. They're were about 6 of them (: all so tiny and cute. Despite the cuteness...I'm not going to lie. I was slightly pissed and disoriented for several reasons. I was still in my pjs, I looked crappy, and I was braless... yet again. Why do I never learn? Let me just say one thing about bras: I hate them. Okay so, I greeted them all awkwardly as I showed them the toys and balls. Did I mention I looked like crap? Yeah. Then this young and fairly decent looking dad decided to strike a brief conversation with me. Excited for college? What have you been up to this summer? BLAH BLAH BLAH. I could care less about my appearance if he wasn't so darn young. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
What have I done to deserve this? That is what was in my mind the whole time! I was also trying to slouch so that my chest wasn't so obvious LOL. Throw in my ridiculous half-hearted laughs and stroppy stance? Just absolutely fantastic. Thank God for his pedigree bulldog that caught his attention and made him leave me alone. As I was walking away he says: "Let's play pool when you're not so busy in a little bit?" Great... now I have to play pool and I'm not even good. Anyway I took the liberty to shower and change. When I went out I immediately told him that I was not good although I've been known to be the luckiest person when I play pool. He mustn't have believed me because he was so shocked when he witnessed me making 4 pockets in a row. We played two games as his eldest watched us. I didn't know there were so many rules. Good thing he was patient and taught me lots of stuff like I'm suppose to call which pocket the cue ball will go into everytime. He won both times but I must say that I held my own.
It was almost 8 and they were about to leave. The kids were so well-behaved. They even helped put away all the stuff. Aww :) I walked over to my mom who was playing with the bulldog. At that moment I made the biggest mistake because I called to the boxer in this loving tone and he straight-up started running towards me. I was like "Oh he looks wayyyyyyyyy too eager." Before I knew it he was jumping on me! It was obvious that he wanted me to play with him but oh man he was snapping right at my crotch! Even though I tried to mask my fear from my mom and the children, I could tell they noticed that I went 4 octaves higher... Murphy (the big bulldog pup) eventually stopped (without anyone's help!). Afterwards my neighbor and my mom chatted for a bit. I mingled with the youngins'.
That was my day and I am so thankful my crotch is still intact.

*Yeah it's cute but imagine this but 5 times bigger and trying to gnaw at your crotch.