*Yeah it's cute but imagine this but 5 times bigger and trying to gnaw at your crotch.
*Yeah it's cute but imagine this but 5 times bigger and trying to gnaw at your crotch.
I've been waking up at 5:45 every morning since Abi started her sophomore year this past Tuesday. I took the initiative to lend her a hand in getting ready: makeup and such. Abi has so much to learn. She's such a boy sometimes! I don't know what will happen to her when I leave in less than a month :( My dear darling little Abi...I'll miss that kid. Anyway today was Abi's picture day! I straightened her super wavy hair and I think I did pretty well considering I have never used a straightener before. I was very proud of myself and she came close to looking just as good as me (haha keeeding)! After I finished, we ate breakfast together. She left for school and it was weird: I didn't go back to bed. I know right!
Yeah so instead I chose to be 'productive' today. I took out all these architectural books that my dad has given me throughout high school. I made a mistake of showing a slight interest to his work my freshman year...and now I'm constantly being bombarded by books. Oh dear, but I guess I should be thankful that he is attempting to mold me into an architect early, though I'm not quite sure if I even want to pursue architecture anymore... shhhh! Eh...hey I'm still young. I hope people don't expect me to know exactly what I want just yet. So I read about how circular structures and domes are the marks of prosperous times...etc. I'm not going to lie, I got quite bored after 20 mins so I read this other book that I started my junior year but never finished reading. It's called "What is an Architect". It's basically a whole book devoted to telling you what architects do and it explains how architects earn more as they get more experience. It briefly describes the architectual license tests and blah blah. Again... not even half an hour I was getting sleepy.
I knew that if I lay my head down I would surely fall asleep and not wake up until 3 pm. So I got up and I stretched a bit. First thought: Let me bend forward...mother faaaaaaccck...ouch. Okay it's not going to happen! LOL In other words I need to stretch more often. I can't believe I can barely touch my toes anymore. Ahhh... not good. When I finally gave up and decided I was no longer limber (I was never a contortionist but now it's just embarassing loll) I went online. Yes but only to check my email. I scrolled past my youtube url and I had an epiphany.
We all know that when time punches you in the face... it's going to hurt. The future? Well darling the mirror and the camera won't be as kind lmao. It's been awhile since I made a video and it's a good idea to have some sort of proof that you were once a lovely young thing once upon a time. And that's exactly what I did.
I'm not much of a singer. And although this song was not on my key of singing and it was pretty much painful to sing...even more so to listen to... I tried. haha
My Valentine by Martina Mcbride
*Just for fun I think I'm going to post the rejected videos that did not make it to my youtube.
(As if there is any difference... they all sucked HAHA)
My camera started to blink which meant that is was about to die so I had to play the end really fast haha. Fortunately I made it hahaha.
"Thank you recycling bin"
Take that Belinda!